Ch6 06
Has really doesn’t have a love for all those dramatic events that happen in stories, does she? I mean, she continually seems to go and break any sense of tension with her bull headed, force of reason approach. It’s like she’s a complete anti-thesis to her love of those terrible romance stories…
Nah. Probably just a Guardian thing!
And after all that, she had indeed chosen the correct door. The doors don’t like people who skip the cutscenes *cough* I mean riddles?
There’s a special place in hell for people who deny the dramatic effect of cut scenes and monologues!
Correct door, incorrect identifier!
“It’s this one!”
“Okay, that one.” *SLAM*
Damn, Hass be angry. Also, you misspelled “almost.”
Missed that in my once-over. Thank you for the catch! Will fix tonight
That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone solve this particular problem by yelling at it. 🤔
Let’s be honest, she threatened the two little Gnomes (Jerry and Terry) with bodily harm if they didn’t cough up an answer. Terry still pointed to the same door… Then again, Has can be quite intimidating when she wants to be. Probably due to years of pent up fantasy frustrations…
Probably comparable to how it got handled in Order of the Stick, though…
FGOLBLOTD…yes, I’m old. Heck I remember before search engines and you found the web comics from sketchy sources on usenet.
I probably know the full meaning, but what does the acronym FGOLBLOTD stand for? Or did a cat walk across your keyboard? 😀
🙂 I added to an old one. “First Good Out Loud Belly Laugh OF The Day”. No cat in our house, have a (redacted) macaw who is just smart enough to not mess with the keyboard.
Hass may be a virgin but she’s not (entirely) naive and she seems to be learning quickly.
Or Hass is just having a hissy fit, man you do not want to be in area of one of those….makes Anti matter exposions look like a wet match…
I hope she remembers that she insisted on coming, Lark told her to stay…
Lark is a man there for he is wrong (any woman’s thoughts).
Just because she insisted on coming, doesn’t me she should have to put up with this crap just to get to Lark’s front door
As for stories vs. her own life, there’s an old saying: adventure is someone else in deep shit, a long ways away.
Well, that was more polite than tossing gnomes through doors and seeing which survive.
Pro tip: If you want to be a snarky door guardian, make sure you weigh more than a boulder.
And that those you are blocking cannot trivially pickup and toss said boulders.